Internships Overseas

The internship log book is an aid to learning for students new to hotel operations. It is informative and practical. It will guide and his supervisor to reach the common understanding of what has to be learnt on the job.
The industrial training enables students to relate the knowledge and skills required in the class room with systems, standards and practices prevalent in the industry. It provides an opportunity to the students to acquire real-time, hands on experience and observe the trends in the industry.
In this semester the students shall be sent for industrial training for a period of 16 weeks, where they would follow the following schedule-
- Culinary – 4 weeks
- F&B Service – 4 weeks
- Front Office – 4 weeks
- Housekeeping – 4 weeks
The industrial training needs to be undertaken in a hotel which is of the level of 3 stars or above category. During the training period the students shall maintain a log book on daily basis. In addition, they would also maintain a monthly record of feedback provided by the HR / Training Head of the concerned hotel.
At the end of the industrial training, the student shall submit a training report along-with the log book and appraisals from each department trained.
This manual navigates a student through the complex hotel in operations. It serves purposes:
- Helps the learner to apply theory to practice.
- Teaches how to certain practices are applied in real operations.
- Communicate effectively with immediate supervisor
- A guide for the Viva- Voce evaluation.
We hope that this manual will be an able guide to learners and their supervisors.
During internship the trainee works in the core departments of the hotel. He/she gets an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the classes to practical situations.
To bridge the gap between academics and the needs of the industry
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this training the trainee will be able to demonstrate various basic skills acquired in the core department and explain the organization of the hotel, its various department and sections, appreciate and explain intra/infra-structural department.
Grooming Standards
- Should wear bun for the girls with long hair. The bun should be slightly above the nape with the black net only.
- Short hair should be clipped in place.
- Band or clips should be black in color.
- Streaking of hair is not permitted.
- Finger nails should be manicured neatly cut and clean. Neutral shade for polish is only permitted.
- Toe nails should be maintained clean at all the times.
- Jewelry should not be dangling or large in size. It should be conservative and elegant.
- Only one set of earring is permitted.
- Clean and smartly ironed uniform.
- Shoes should be neatly polished and in good repair, stilettos are not permitted.
- Short and well groomed hairs – should not touch fore head or the ear.
- Hair at nape should be neatly cut and should not fall on the collar. Streaking of hair is not permitted.
- Side burns should not be shorter than top of the ear.
- Neatly shaved with no stubble.
- Beards due to religious reason should be suitably maintained.
- Turbans should be black.
- Clean and smartly ironed uniform. Smart and simple belt, no more than 1.5 inch wide.
- Jewelry/ornaments/cosmetics any kind of not permitted.
- Black shoes should be oxford style, well-polished and in good condition.
- General personal hygiene should be maintained and perfumes, deodorants should be mild and used sparingly.
General Professional Conduct
- Enter/exit the hotel from the time office only.
- Sign the attendance daily at the time office.
- Report to the supervisor/section head 10 minutes before the start of the shift.
- Seek leave of absence from the supervisor day before of leave.
- Check your shift schedule, a day before the shift duty from the immediate supervisor/training manager.
- Absenteeism is not allowed.
- Show respect to your seniors and colleagues.
- Student will be governed by the respective hotel rules by the hotel.
Internship Guidelines
- Student have to maintain the daily log book and record the following:-
- Observations of the work flow and system and procedures in the department.
- Forms and formats- Usage and importance.
- Work flow of the trainee. Any unique learning experience should be noted down.
- The type of software used- its usage, advantages and disadvantages.
- The layout of the department- any suggestion in the layout and why.
- Organization chart of each department section.
- Duties and responsibilities of the each position.
- Equipments used with brand names including crockery, cutlery, utensils.
- The log book should be signed by the super visor or section head daily.
- At the end of the internship student should prepare training report referring the log book.
- Training report should be spiral bound and should be submitted to the college with the log book.
Internship Outcome
- Ask questions to the supervisors and colleagues.
- Observe activities in the departments and other allocated areas.
- Collect relevant documents, broachers, forms, etc.
- Note additional information related to hotels which, are not covered in the syllabus.
- Discuss various situations with colleagues and supervisors and select the line of action.
- Document all of the above in the log book.
Evaluation Of Training Report
- Accuracy of the information
- Ability to collect relevant data as per information
- Accuracy in technical observation
- Forms and formats
- Special situation reported
- Overall presentation of the report
Evaluation Of Viva
- Accuracy of information reported.
- Knowledge regarding the organization where training was done
- Ability to communicate in English
- Conviction
How To Write The Training Report
- Acknowledgement – Thank industry, institution, principals and teachers for their guidance and cooperation.
- Table of content
- Introduction – Briefly give information about the training report.
- Learning experience-
- Describe what you have learnt section wise.
- List observation you have made.
- Include forms and formats and pictures.
- Give the layout of the department.
- The organization chart.
- Describe interactions with colleagues, supervisors and guests- only worthwhile
information. - Tabulate the training schedule section/department wise with duration.